Trip to Tioman Island (day 3)
Last day here in Tioman, felt the time passed too fast. Haha. Woke up a little later, head to foyer area for breakfast.
Chicken porridge. Not bad for resort standard. :)
Designated area for our company.
Bumped into Sue-ann, so asked her to be my test subject for a while. Hehe.
Back to room, need to pack everything and prepare to leave already...
Zaheer, can said he's in-charged of this whole trip (of cos with the help of Tiffany). He lost his slippers somewhere, so he had to wear the room's slippers.
Waihoong, brought his laptop there to play World of Warcraft. He even missed the group photo just because he wanted to play game so much. Anti-social~
So here's the committee of the Swingers. President: Eve, Vice President: Zaheer, and Treasurer: Tiffany. Thank you guys.
Group photo before leaving the place. Me and Aivee was not in this picture because both of us are shooting using our own camera. But we appeared in Sue-ann camera's group photo. :) She got the most complete one.
Going through Custom before waiting at the jetty area. A lot of people doesn't know that Tioman got duty-free shops also. So that's why we need to pass through the Custom.
Sue-ann cut queue. Brian pissed. Sue-ann don't care. Brian can't do shit. Haha.
X-Women 1: Yippie
X-Women 2: Justine
Waiting for the ferry to load up before we can get in.
Tired smile from Tiffany.
Brian and Sue-ann sat next to me on the ferry ride.
Aivee and Jook sitting behind me.
Motion sickness pills. I'm not sure whether this actually works, or I'm better in dealing with motion sickness already.
Oopsie~ puke alert at "Kuantan 192" road sign. Peishan suffering from motion sickness.
That's it. 3 days 2 nights of Tioman trip. Of cos not enough. But better than nothing.
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