Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rainy working Sunday

Came back office to work today. Reached office at 10am, freaking early, all because the office has moved here. Cos if I were to come later, I'll be stuck in the jam.

Don't even have time for breakfast at home, I bought a few buns from the bakery outside Jusco for my breakfast and lunch (I'm thinking that I'll be too lazy to come all the way over here again to have lunch). Saw a lot of people waiting for Jusco to open.

Thought no one will be coming into the office so early, but was wrong. Remi was the first to reach office. Good to have a company when you have a new office which is big, it's scary.

Rain fall again today, just like the other days. Manage to capture this rain shot. Hope you'll enjoy it.

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